February 14, 2024

Happy VD 🤣 It's Your FUMS 6-Pack 🍻🍻🍻

Hey - Happy VD! That's Valentine's Day.❤️ What did you think I meant?? 🤪 I wait all year to say that - just ask my kids. They've had enough of this but I won't stop! It makes me laugh every year! 🤪

Welcome to all the new subscribers! Glad you're here.

Let's get to the 6-Pack, shall we?? 🍻1.  There's a sewer system in our brains? Gives the saying "shit for brains" new context! "In neurological inflammatory conditions like MS, inflammatory immune cells may enter the brain through arachnoid cuff exit (ACE) points — newly discovered structures that normally seem to serve as a type of sewer system in the brain, helping to move out waste."  Immune cells in MS may enter brain via newly found ‘sewer system’2.  Wouldn't it be great if doctors could track our myelin sheaths to better follow our progression or to diagnose us earlier?? GREAT NEWS: Researchers have developed a new method of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the early detection and better monitoring of multiple sclerosis.  This technology could be used for research and could help facilitate the development of new drugs. NEW MRI METHOD BRINGS MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS INTO SHARPER VIEW3.  Where are my Mayzent folks??  This one's for you: Sharp lymphocyte drop seen quickly in SPMS patients on Mayzent4.  Do you know what SDoH is?? It's Social Determinants of Health - "the conditions under which we are born, grow, live, work and age, are non-medical factors that threaten, promote or protect health. These factors include education, employment, housing, access to affordable health care, and social inclusion, among others. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that SDoH can account for up to 55% of health outcomes and explain many health inequities (unfair and avoidable differences in health)."  This article takes a look at SDoH in MS and the conclusions are so interesting. Read all about it - here: Social determinants of health and multiple sclerosis5.  I'm going to Abu Dhabi - who's with me?? Since learning about stem cell therapy years ago, I've always felt that our answers were in that science. This is exciting: UAE scientists hold hope of finding MS cure as patient walks again after treatment6.  In the inspirational love story department (I couldn't ignore the Hallmark holiday of Valentine's Day): We have MS and danced ballet together at the Royal Opera House – Not a bad date, right?That's all folks. Let me know if you have any questions or if I can help you in any way. Otherwise, just keep saying FUMS!! 🧡Cheers -- KathyKathy Reagan YoungFounderFUMSP.S. If you enjoy the humor, information, inspiration and motivation in this newsletter, you can help support it by donating here:  I 🧡 FUMS

*Thanks for your support*

P.S.S.  Want to hear me tell the story of my MS diagnosis??  Watch it here: Happy 16th MS'aversary

Sometimes it helps the stress, just to say F-U-M-SPLEASE share this newsletter 👇🏻

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