- The FUMS 6-Pack
- Posts
- March 2, 2023
March 2, 2023
FUMS 6 Pack 🍺🍺🍸🍺🍷🍺😉

Hello friends --Happy March Madness - I mean - Happy MS Awareness Month! I'm aware - how about you?? I try to share more personal stories about MS on my socials and in "real life" during this month every year. Do you do anything in particular to recognize MS awareness?? Hit reply and let me know.Let's get after it:1. Breaking news: Brain lesions cleared of all charges in severe MS disability cases. Looks like it's time for the medical community to shift gears and find a new scapegoat! Multiple Sclerosis: Brain Lesions Don't Appear to Cause Severe MS Disabilities2. Move over, fancy drugs - it's time for bile acids and gut microbes to take the spotlight in the fight against MS. Bile acids and gut microbes could potentially treat multiple sclerosis3. Ummmm - did you see Christina Applegate's fingernails and cane?? FUMS all over them! I was bombarded with messages about it. Everyone assumed those stickers were from my merch store. NOPE. But - we're obviously soul sisters and should get together and - oh, I don't know - record a podcast episode or something. If anyone has a connection to her - please - tell her her soul sister awaits! Christina Says FUMS4. Eye spy with my little eye, a breakthrough in MS research! Turns out certain eye cells are the key to unlocking the mysteries of MS-related changes. Who knew staring at things could be so helpful? Certain eye cells tied to MS-related changes in study5. I believe that everyone that is given an MS diagnosis is told to start on Vitamin D - oftentimes at a very high-dose. It's been what many of us have clung to - feeling that we were doing something "natural" to help our MS'y bodies fight the MonSter. Well - shit. Hate to burst our bubble but - here you go: High-dose vitamin D doesn’t reduce MS activity6. “Currently, MS patients are allowed to accumulate a number of disabilities before they can have the most effective treatments, and that is not right,” Giovannoni continued. “We should be treating MS like stroke, where time is of the essence. And we should be offering newly diagnosed patients the most effective treatments such as monoclonal antibody–based therapies and AHSCT first to prevent too much organ damage.” Well hello paradigm shift!! Stem Cells May Move to the Front Line against Multiple SclerosisAnything I can help you with?? Drop me an email and let me know at [email protected] or meet me over in the FUMS Facebook community and let's chat! Thanks.Warmly -- Kathy#FUMSP.S. I'm dipping my toes into the TikTok waters. UGH. It may be an epic fail - but in trying to spread the Gospel of FUMS (can I get an amen?) - I needed to get away from the "pay to play" platforms. So - if you're on TikTok, follow me at @fums01. Yet another FUMS experiment!!
Sometimes it helps the stress, just to say "F-U-M-S"