[Re-sent] April 18, 2023

FUMS 6 Pack 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺


Hello friends --I hope you're doing well. Please forgive the missing 6 Packs the last couple of weeks. MS made an unwelcome visit and drained me of all energy! Cog fog, fatigue, numbness, pain, tingling, lost hearing in one ear, facial twitching, pain, cog fog, fatigue, pain, did I mention cog fog? Yeah - it was a shit show - but one I'm familiar with so - I did what I've come to understand I need to do - I went to bed and tried not to think. I'm getting better at giving myself grace and not beating up on myself too badly, but there's always a fine line between sharing that I'm going through an MS flare with my clients and explaining that I really CAN'T work because my f'ing brain doesn't work. I don't want to scare them off. I know I'll be fine - I just don't know how long this one will last. Sound familiar? How do YOU handle flares and work??? PLEASE hit reply to this email and share your tips and tricks and I'll share them in the next 6-Pack!!  Thanks.Ok lady - enough of your whining. Let's get after it:1.  It's SPRING  🌸  (sorry Midwest - it's spring for most of us. Hang in there). You know what that means, right??  Getting outside - and needing to bring all your shit with you! Why not do it in style - FUMS style, that is! Fanny packs (or wherever you want to wear them - no judgement) are all the rage now. Add a little of that FUMS attitude and you've got both style and attitude - and a bag to carry all your shit!!  Check it out:  Click the picture  ⬆️  if you're interested in that cool bag. If you're interested in some other cool FUMS accoutrement - like FUMS hats, coffee cups and jewelry, go here:  FUMS Shop2.  Biogen has been instrumental in research and pharmaceutical interventions for MS. They have recently experiences layoffs. Should we be concerned??  Will layoffs change the MS focus at Biogen?3.  Do you do yoga? Physical therapy? Do either help your MS? I know the answer - just testing you! They both help, right? But -if you had to choose - which one do you think helps more???  I'll tell you - because there's a new study out about it: Yoga better than physical therapy at improving MS quality of life   Namaste, bitches. 🧘🏼‍♀️4.  Pretend I'm playing '70's porn music. That will be the theme music for this next link. Bow chica wow wow. You're hearing it, aren't you??  Sexual Dysfunction in Patients with MS Associated with Fatigue and Depression  *In all seriousness - I've found that sooooo many people with MS don't realize that their sexual dysfunction could be (read: likely is) a result of MS. So - they're not talking to their neuros about it. And unfortunately, neuros aren't asking if we are experiencing sexual dysfunction so - we're really missing the mark here. There is a lot that can be done to help. Talk to your doc. Ask for help. Quality of life - and bow chica wow wow - is important. 🍆 🍑 🫦  (special thanks to my daughter for answering this actual text - and asking no questions: "Other than an eggplant, what are some sexualized emojis???")5. Well -  this is disappointing: Vitamin D at high dose doesn’t lower MS relapse risk, Phase 3 trial finds  As Vit D supplements have been the pill de rigueur upon diagnosis for a number of years - seems we've all had some rather expensive urine for quite some time now. . .  Stay tuned. I have some good news about Vitamin D coming your way - and you don't get it from a pill . . . 🌞  6.  EBViously announced that it has developed a candidate vaccine against the Epstein-Barr virus and plans to bring it into clinical trials starting in 2024.  Great news. Exciting. Maybe we could stop MS before it gets started. YES. So exciting. And - honorary mention goes to the fabulous marketing mind that came up with this name: EBViously!!That's all folks. Hope you found something helpful, interesting, funny or at least marginally amusing in my little newsletter here today. If so - please do me the great favor and honor of sharing it in an MS group you may belong to or on your social media or with someone else you know that has MS.  Send them here to sign up and get their own damn copy:  www.FUMSnow.com/6pack.   😉Warmly -- Kathy#FUMSP.S. Again with apologies to our friends in the Midwest - it's time to start thinking about a cooling vest for the heat of the late spring and summer. I've found THE VERY BEST. Seriously. Thin, totally hidden under regular clothes and keeps me cool for up to 3 hours.  Check it out yourself - here: UnderCool 

Sometimes it helps the stress, just to say "F-U-M-S"