- The FUMS 6-Pack
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- [Re-sent] Aug 31 Friday Night 6-Pack
[Re-sent] Aug 31 Friday Night 6-Pack
FUMS Friday Night 6-Pack

Hello friends --Hope you're doing well. Happy Friday! Here is your FUMS Friday Night 6-Pack - delivered right to your inbox!! Cheers. 1) The FUMS Podcast Show just published our 20th episode this morning!! That's actually quite a milestone. A lot of podcasts make it to episode 6 or 7 and then do whats called a "pod fade." This show is the little engine that could - and I wasn't about to stop. Today's episode is all about natural and holistic approaches to MS treatment - and features Caroline Craven (TheGirlWithMS) sharing some really interesting products I had never heard of. Be sure to listen here: FUMS Episode 202) Can disability in MS be predicted? Interesting article: Predicting Disability3) Do you have difficulty swallowing (Dysphagia). Pretty good chance you've either experienced it or you will. Experts estimate up to 40% of MS'ers deal with this at some point. Here's an article about it: Dysphagia4) An early-stage study shows potential in remyelination of damaged axons in ‘mouse MS.’ Read more here: Good Inflammation5) Do you experience the "MS Hug"? I have and it's no fun. UGH. We need to rename it!! Here's a good article all about it. MS Hug6) I have a sinus infection and pneumonia. And that has pissed off my MS. So - I’m numb and tingling and twitchy. You know the drill. But - I am so grateful to be able to work from home (right now my bed) and not have to take any time off or drag my sick ass into work somewhere. This has reignited my excitement to create this "Patients Getting Paid" course - to share everything I’ve learned about finding online gigs. I want all chronically ill folks to know what’s out there and how to find it! If you’re interested, be sure to get on the Patients Getting Paid email list and I’ll send out updates when the course becomes available. Sign up here: www.FUMSnow.com/PatientsGettingPaid.If you have other ideas of topics you'd like me to cover or people you'd like me to interview for The FUMS Podcast Show - maybe even YOU - drop me an email and let me know at [email protected] or meet me over in the FUMS Facebook community and let's chat! Thanks.Cheers -- Kathy#FUMS
Sometimes it helps the stress, just to say "F-U-M-S"