- The FUMS 6-Pack
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- [Re-sent] February 28, 2024
[Re-sent] February 28, 2024
Your FUMS 6-Pack is Here 🍻🍺🍻🍺

Did you hear about the new FUMS 6-Pack feature - CODE ORANGE? It's a separate email sent specifically for something BIG happening in the world of MS. Think: events, breakthroughs, new adverse reaction warnings. I'm working on one right now so - stay tuned . . .
Hey - We're so close to March which always means Spring🌸 is right around the corner to me. These weird temperatures🎢 have the plants in my backyard so confused - me too, honestly. It was 72 here yesterday and I went for a walk on the beach. I loved it, but it's February. I didn't even have a coat on. It worries me for the heat that may be headed our way this summer. Be sure you've got your ThermApparel cooling vest to keep that core cool!! 😎In other news - I have a colonoscopy tomorrow. YIPPEE!! 🤪 It's all clear liquid today and 24 pills tonight (have you tried the pills? The liquid makes me sick 🤢) This prep has really brought out my MS symptoms in the past. Have you experienced that?? The good news is - it doesn't last long. When the procedure is done, I eat and get some rest, I'm generally good. But - it sure adds an extra layer of yuck to the whole affair! Hit reply and let me know if you've had the same issues with a colonoscopy. 😉Alrighty. Let's get into it, shall we??1. About 4 in 5 people with RRMS who receive a stem cell transplant remain free of relapses for at least six years, and this may translate into being able to get back to work, a small study from Norway suggests. Imagine what life would look like 6 years relapse-free. Can I get an amen?? Most MS patients stay relapse-free 6 years after stem cell transplant2. Coupling a noninvasive brain stimulation procedure with an intensive rehabilitation program significantly improved motor function and balance in adults with RRMS, a randomized clinical trial finds. Anybody else picturing someone just massaging your head for hours at a time??? I think that would have fantastic benefits as well. How do I get that trial started - and sign up for it??? 😉 Magnetic brain stimulation aids motor function, balance in MS trial3. Were you aware that there are surgeries that can benefit those of us with MS?? News to me! 🗞️ When medications and other therapies don’t provide enough relief, some surgical options may help treat the symptoms. Will Surgery Help Multiple Sclerosis?4. Did you know that 2 of the most common symptoms in MS are anxiety and depression? I would argue that part of that is certainly situational. MS is one hell of a diagnosis to get and learn to deal with. But maybe there is something we can do to help ourselves - or rather, maybe there is something we can learn to stop doing: eating a pro-inflammatory diet. Proinflammatory Diet May Lead to Long-Term Depression, Anxiety in MS5. What if just by using a standard MRI that we're all getting anyway, the doctors could see something that could help predict disability worsening? Here you go: Dark rim on MS lesions seen with standard MRI may mark activity6. I'm not one who looks at progress with fear. I also don't watch Zombie movies. So - AI, or Artificial Intelligence - doesn't scare me. I'm actually really excited about it. Here's one example why you should be too: An artificial intelligence tool has been developed to predict the evolution of patients with multiple sclerosisThat's all folks. Let me know if you have any questions or if I can help you in any way. Otherwise, just keep saying FUMS!! 🧡Cheers -- KathyKathy Reagan YoungFounderFUMSP.S. Alene Brennan is a fellow MS sister and Nutrition Coach specializing in Multiple Sclerosis. She's on a mission to make eating for MS easier and more delicious. She helps to break down the daunting MS nutrition protocols into something doable. Her weekly newsletter is packed with real-world strategies for managing MS including nutrition tips, simple recipe ideas, clips from her MS podcast, reviews of her favorite all-natural products and details on upcoming events. I L🧡VE it! Here's where to sign up to have it delivered to your inbox: Join Alene Brennan's newsletterP.S.S. If you enjoy the humor, information, inspiration and motivation in this newsletter, you can help support it by donating here: I 🧡 FUMS
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