[Re-sent] January 31, 2024

Your FUMS-6 Pack has arrived! 🍻🥳


Hey - Happy end of January. 😳 How's everybody feeling? Since we've been seeing more of the sun lately - I'm feeling quite good. Funny how that works, right? Not really. Sunlight trips the release of serotonin and endorphins, hormones associated with happier mood, less depression, and overall calm. Unlike other meds we take the price point is great and there is no pre-auth required.😉 Availability can be spotty but - keep looking for it. And when you find it - get out there!Ok - let's see what's happening this week in the world of MS:1.  In RRMS, the most common type of MS, men tend to have a worse disease course and more severe disability than women. Not so in PPMS, which makes up about 15% of MS cases. "Gender and age at the onset of disease don’t seem to have a clinically relevant impact on disability progression in people with PPMS, according to a recent study in Argentina." Gender, age at PPMS onset has no impact on disability progression2.  MS speciaists are few and far between. Neurologists, in general are not in an overabundance here in the U.S. So - it's no surprise that our rural  brothers and sisters are often without care - or at a significant disadvantage to the more populated metropolitan areas. Additionally - internet availability and can hit or miss. Isn't that unbelievable? I remember learning how many kids weren't able to get on the internet during COVID due to lack of availability. We've got a lot of work to do yet. "Areas with higher proportions of Hispanic individuals, uninsured people, and those with disabilities generally also were more likely to lack ready access to these services."  Access to MS care poorer for rural regions, select patient groups in US3.  I knew it. Dancing is really good for us. I knew it. When I shake what my mama gave me - I feel so much better!  Seriously - my mood improves, my anxiety decreases and I feel like the tin man from the Wizard of Oz after he got a shot of oil! All my parts move more freely. And now - there is evidence of my findings! How Dancing Helps People With Dementia, Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis. So go ahead - shake your grove thing. It's good for you!! 4.  Have you been following the BTK Inhibitor saga? It's been pretty interesting. Seems quite promising for us. Stay tuned.  Experts Take a ‘Wait and See’ Approach as BTK Inhibitors Stumble in MS5.  You are what you eat - or so they say. This study tells us that pro-inflammatory diets lead to depression and anxiety. Makes sense to me. Watch what goes into your mouth - it can help - or hurt. It is a first-line medicine, or should be. Diets promoting inflammation may slowly lead to depression, anxiety6.  Are you tired? No - I don't mean fatigued - I mean TIRED. Tough to tell the difference? I get it - but try. "A recent study demonstrated that concomitant sleep apnea syndrome may expedite cognitive decline, particularly in attention and concentration, among patients with multiple sclerosis."  Sleep Apnea in Multiple Sclerosis May Facilitate Cognitive DeclineWell - that's all folks. Hope you got something out of this 6-pack. If so, would you please share it with someone else who could get value from it? Thanks so much.Let me know if you have any questions or if I can help you in any way. Otherwise - just keep saying FUMS!! 🧡Cheers -- KathyKathy Reagan YoungFounder,FUMSPatients Getting PaidP.S. If you enjoy the humor and information in the FUMS 6-Pack newsletter, you can show your appreciation and support by donating to help defray the costs of creating this weekly resource.Here's where to go:  Thanks, FUMS - keep it coming! 

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Sometimes it helps the stress, just to say "F-U-M-S"

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