[Re-sent] October 30, 2024

IT'S HERE: The FUMS 6-Pack 🍻🍻🍻

The Multiple Sclerosis Foundation proudly presents the inaugural MS Focus on Fashion, Wednesday, November 6, 2024, at 6:30 PM at the Design Center of the Americas (DCOTA), located in Dania Beach, Florida. The event will feature dinner, cocktails, a silent auction, and a fashion show featuring adaptive clothing. Money raised will benefit the programs and services offered by the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation. To learn more or get tickets, click here: MS Focus on Fashion

Hey - Do you have rolly-polly veins?? Apparently I do. It took 5 sticks to get that sweet poison - I mean gadolinium - in for my MRI this week. I talk a LOT about drinking coconut water pre- anything veiny - like bloodwork, MRIs w/contrast, and infusions.  It really helps to plump up those veins. So - my veins were properly plumped and hydrated - but they were "rolling" when the phlebotomist would get the needle in. UGH. I'm a bruised little puppy. Hoping they bounce back in time for my Briumvi infusion Friday.  🀞🏻  Do you have the same issue?  Any tips and tricks would be most appreciated. Just hit "reply" to this email and let me know - and I'll share them in next week's 6-Pack. Thanks in advance - on behalf of everyone with veins. 

Ready for the info drop? Here you go:1.  Our community lost a wonderful actress and MS Society Ambassador this week. RIP Teri Garr. Best known for her roles in Young Frankenstein, Mr. Mom, and her stint as Phoebe's mom in Friends. She was diagnosed in 2002 and was 79 when she died this week. Several articles listed her cause of death as Multiple Sclerosis. 😑  WTF?  Later posts correctly listed it as "complications of MS." Words have power. Someone newly diagnosed or the child of someone with MS may read that and be devastated.  We die WITH MS - not FROM it. In celebration of Teri Garr's life - take a minute to watch this hilarious clip from Young Frankenstein: Inga and the Knockers2. What do YOU think causes MS? Is it environmental? Genes? Smoking? Diet? EBV? All of the above? πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ  "Research finds that T cell dysfunction can increase salt-triggered inflammation and the symptoms of multiple sclerosis."  Scientists Propose a New Theory on What Really Causes MS3.  "Leveraging advances in genomics, imaging, and machine learning, this emerging field is poised to revolutionize our understanding of brain physiology and disease with paradigm-shifting discoveries at an unprecedented pace."  Hi - I'm Kathy and I'll be your interpreter. That word salad of medical gobiligok is all to say this: they might be getting this shit figured out!!  Brain blood vessels key to new MS treatments, researchers argue

 πŸŒž I'm getting questions about my experience with UVB phototherapy and how it helped my fatigue and cog fog so much. Get on the email list to receive updated and ongoing information about phototherapy for MS, and hear me tell my story. πŸ˜‰ Sign up here: Phototherapy for MS

4. Scientists have identified a natural compound that halts the process involved in the progression of certain forms of cancer and demyelinating conditions β€” those that damage the sheath, known as myelin, that surrounds neurons β€” such as multiple sclerosis. This is very big news. AND - in adjacent news that I personally find fascinating - the lead researcher - Angela Hoffman, Ph.D., of Oregon Health & Science University, was described thusly: "a nun and chemistry professor who earlier this year retired from the University of Portland after 35 years to lead her convent. . ." 😳  I'm not sure what to do with that tidbit, but I just keep reading it over and over. I'm obsessed with this factoid!!  Now returning to your regularly scheduled programming (sorry for the digression)  Natural compound found in flowers halts progression of MS, some cancers5.  The rate of disability progression among people with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) has slowed over the years due to advances in disease-modifying therapies (DMTs), according to a long-term analysis.  WOOT WOOT. Rock on DMTs!!  DMTs have slowed RRMS disability progression rate: Analysis6. Are you on a "special diet" for MS? Keto? Carnivore? Intermittent fasting? Or like me - the seefood diet - you see food and you eat it?? πŸ˜‰  This one's for you - understanding how to eat may help bring better disease outcomes from multiple sclerosis, new research reveals.  Why Developing a Higher Nutritional I.Q. Is Good for Your MS

Kathy's Fun Finds and Recommendations

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to purchase through my links, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU.

FUMS community member Jack Manister submitted this fun find: Vibration Plate Exercise Machine -   according to the product description on Amazon, it provides "gentle whole body vibrations, waking muscles throughout the body and increasing blood flow in the muscles. This enhances your body’s built-in ability to regenerate cells and repair itself. Relief is felt from the first use, continued and regular use builds up muscle tone, protecting nerves and bones, relieving chronic pain, repairing old injuries, and providing greater range of motion. Also promotes lymphatic drainage."  Wiggle, wiggle, jiggle, jiggle - ahhhhhhhhh!!

 Here's a video all about it:  Shake What Your Mama Gave You (my own interpretation πŸ˜‰)

According to Jack - "it sort of tickles, but it's a great full body workout without too much "work"!"  **Thanks Jack! If YOU have any products you'd like to share with the FUMS community - just hit reply and let me know!!  You'll see it - along with your recommendation - in an upcoming FUMS 6-Pack!! 🍻

That's all folks. Let me know if you have any questions or if I can help you in any way. Otherwise, just keep saying FUMS!! 🧑Cheers -- KathyKathy Reagan YoungFounderFUMSP.S. UPDATE on the quest to hit 1000 subscribers on the FUMS YouTube channel: we just need 618 subscribers - a fraction of the number of subscribers on this newsletter list!! You all are moving the needle. Thank you. If you haven't subscribed yet - it's quick, easy, and would be so appreciated. Here's where to go: FUMS YouTubeP.S.S. I'm starting to work on the FUMS Holiday Gift Guide. Here's an example: FUMS Holiday Gift Guide. If you have any products or services that have been helpful to you, please hit reply and let me know. I'd love to add your recommendation to the list. I'll include your name too - unless you don't want me to! πŸ˜‰  Can't wait to see what you send! 

Sometimes it helps the stress, just to say F-U-M-SPLEASE share this newsletter πŸ‘‡πŸ»

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