[Re-sent] September 4, 2024

Check it: the FUMS 6-Pack is Here 🥳

Hey - 

The calendar page turned - and so did the weather! It is lovely in Virginia Beach! Fall is my favorite time of year.🍁 It's cooler, and dryer, and my MS responds well! I hope you're getting some relief with your weather too. **Thanks so much for responding to last week's request for opinions, suggestions, complaints, or whatever you were feeling about the FUMS 6-Pack. I got such great feedback and I really appreciate it. You'll be seeing some changes here and on the FUMS website in the very hear future. I'll keep you updated so - stay tuned! 😉

Ready to dive into the latest MS news?? Let's go ~

1. Hold on to what you've got because THIS. IS. BIG. I almost put out a

Code Orange

on this one! "Treatment with the investigational BTK inhibitor 

 significantly delayed the onset of confirmed disability progression in people with nonrelapsing SPMS compared with a placebo, meeting the primary goal of the HERCULES Phase 3 trial." Let me just highlight that here: DELAYED DISABILITY PROGRESSION. Hello, holy grail. I'm going to link the article AND Dr. Aaron Boster's video about this trial (If you're not subscribed to Dr. Boster's YouTube channel - you're really missing out on a fantastic MS resource.) Article: 

  |  Dr. Boster's Video:


be sure to subscribe to Dr. Boster's YT channel while you're there

. 😉

2.  In more good news - another drug in clinical trial is demonstrating some pretty damned good results: 

3.  I'm feeling


("Feeling Salty" - a slang term used to describe someone who is feeling or acting in a resentful, bitter or irritated way). I love salt. I know it's not healthy (well, too much, anyway) but - I've always maintained that you must have balance in your life - that quality of life is more important than quantity of life. So - please pass the damned salt. Then - this: 

🧂UGH. 😞

4.  I have re-written several smart-ass intros to this next article - all wildly inappropriate.🫢  I'm just going to let you imagine what I might have said. If you'd like to share your thoughts with me - hit reply. Otherwise - I'm going to muzzle the 12-year-old boy that clearly lives in my brain and just share this important information: 

5.  Cog fog is pretty ubiquitous in MS. It is one of my most hated/dreaded/feared symptoms. It can come out of nowhere at any time and completely sink you. It is, indeed, debilitating. That's why I got excited when I saw this: "Combining exercise with cognitive rehabilitation has the potential to produce synergistic effects, particularly in individuals with greater disease progression."  Here are the deets: 

6. September is

. I quit counting the number of people who have come to me over the years wanting to "unalive" themselves (unalive is the term you must use on some social platforms so you don't get banned). I do a live chat for MS'ers Monday-Thursdays and I had 2 people at one time DM me during a live chat last week, sharing their plans. Patient Advocacy is


hard sometimes. I just want to share some resources, including the Suicide Prevention Hotline (where you can talk to someone, email or text - whatever you're most comfortable doing) -

just dial 988

- in the U.S. Outside of the U.S., here's a list of

. This is such an individual, nuanced conversation to have and I know I'm not doing it justice here. I just wanted to be sure I shared some resources, recognized the "month," and recognized the impetus in this community. MS is hard to live with. I know. But I hope you will continue to try.

That's all folks. Let me know if you have any questions or if I can help you in any way. Otherwise, just keep saying FUMS!! 🧡

Cheers -- 


Kathy Reagan Young


Sometimes it helps the stress, just to say F-U-M-SPLEASE share this newsletter 👇🏻

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