September 26, 2023

The FUMS 6-Pack 🍻🍻🍻


Hello friends --How's YOU??  I'm inching ever toward my new infusion meds. I got my COVID and flu vaccines last week because I have to have them onboard at least 2 weeks prior to my infusion therapy.  Having both of them at the same time pissed off my MS a bit and I had a couple rough days but - I'll take it. Shall we take a gander into what's going on in the world of MS this week???1.  I'm asked All. The. Time. what therapies have worked best for me. That's a longer conversation that I can type - but it ALWAYS includes meditation. I used to think it was too WOO WOO 🙃 for me - until anxiety and depression came a'knocking at my door. I cannot believe the difference this simple practice has made in my life. I'm not good at "clearing my mind" so - guided meditation works best for me. If someone is talking to me - helping me to envision things and reminding me to "come back to the practice" (because my mind always wanders) - it's a home run for me. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any guided meditation SPECIFIC to MS'ers. So - I'm thinking of creating some myself. I'd address things like fatigue, cog fog, anxiety, depression, fear, relaxation, gratitude, and sleep. I'd share what's worked for me - in my own words, in my own voice, talking directly to you specifically about MS-issues. Before I spend any time, energy or money on this project - I want to know if there is any interest in this as a product. I would likely sell each individually and offer a package price as well. I don't have 1 iota of an idea of what I'd charge just yet - maybe you could help me with that as well?? Please hit reply to this email and tell me WHETHER OR NOT you'd be interested in purchasing a meditation download and how much you think that would be worth. I sure would appreciate it.  Thanks for your help.  2. Calling bullshit on this one: "People with MS under treatment with Ocrevus (ocrelizumab) commonly experience fluctuations in the severity of their symptoms — but these changes aren’t related to the timing of Ocrevus infusions, a study reports."  It's called THE CRAP GAP - and I bet my friends on Ocrevus have a little sompin' sompin' to say about this study's "findings": MS symptoms can fluctuate with Ocrevus, but ‘wearing off’ not likely3.  I am starting a new med in a couple of weeks - Briumvi infusion. As such, if I wanted any vaccines - I needed to get them 2 weeks prior to starting said new drug. Luckily, the brand-spanking-new COVID vaccine is now available! So - I marched my ass into my local Walgreens and got BOTH the flu and COVID vaccine last week. I wouldn't necessarily recommend getting both at once. That combo kicked my ass for a couple of days. But - timing is everything and I needed those babies on board quickly.  Anyhoo - I know that some of you are rather hesitant about vaccines so I wanted to share this: COVID-19 vaccines safe, do not worsen MS symptoms4.  Therapy aims to prevent, even reverse, myelin sheath damage. READ THAT AGAIN. WHAT!?! Now THIS is exciting:  Lucid-MS seen to be safe, well tolerated in healthy volunteers - may prevent and REVERSE damage!!5.  For my "ladies of a certain age" - Women with MS have significantly lower relapse rates after entering menopause, but disability levels increase significantly in that period, according to a pooled analysis of studies.  WTF??  When do the jokes on women end??  Menopause linked with lower MS relapse rate, increased disability  **Ostensibly stepping on the gas and the brake at the same time!!  As an aside - this is one of the reasons I chose to go on HRT (hormone replacement therapy): "estrogen is known to be neuroprotective and its reduction could contribute to more pronounced nerve cell loss and disability."  FYI6.  Researchers have identified nearly two dozen genes that help to control the movement of immune cells into the brain and spinal cord during MS. Findings may form the basis for the further development of MS treatments that aim to reduce disease activity by blocking the infiltration of inflammatory immune cells into the brain.  Specific genes allow immune T-cells to infiltrate the brainWell - that's all folks. Hope you gained some new insights that will help you in your fight with MS. 💪🏻Cheers  -- Kathy#FUMS

P.S. I've really stepped up my Instagram game lately - are you following me??  Check it out here (and please "follow" me and "like" my posts - it helps so much):  **Let me know if you have a question or topics you'd like me to make a video about! 😉 

Sometimes it helps the stress, just to say "F-U-M-S"