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How Can FUMS Serve YOU?


Hello friends - I hope this finds you and yours healthy and happy. I, myself, am just recovering from a flare that absolutely kicked my ass. It's been a very good reminder of what's important in my life - and I wanted to let you know - that I count you among those things. The FUMS family has been a steady support system for me - and I hope for you as well - for many years now. There is the website at where you can go for articles that I've written (and on occasion a guest blogger as well) about having this silly disease and that's where the podcast show lives as well Speaking of which, I've been interviewing lots of people and am in the process of editing those right now in hopes of getting them posted soon. Stay tuned. I'll drop you an email when I do! Then there's the Facebook community at, where I share the latest news about our shared disease and everyone can chime in. If you haven't signed up there yet, I hope you'll do it. I'm there most days so if you want to chat, that's a great place to catch me. Also, if you prefer Twitter - I'm there too at I have a new ebook about to be released about bowel and bladder issues in MS. I've also started a private Facebook group for those specific issues. Come and join us over there if it applies to you. You can find us at just wanted to reach out and ask you if there was anything I could be doing for you? Is there a particular topic you'd like to know more about - either in an article, a podcast episode or an ebook? Is there an expert you'd like to hear me interview? AND - I'm thinking of changing the FUMSnow Facebook page to a group rather than a page - meaning anyone could post at anytime, rather than just me being able to post and everyone just being able to comment - making it more collaborative and more of a dialogue. What do you think? Should I?I appreciate you and your help in directing where FUMS goes in the future. I want to be of value and serve you in the way that is most beneficial to you. Please hit reply and let me know your thoughts. As always, thanks for your support. Warmly -- Kathy 

Sometimes it helps the stress, just to say "F-U-M-S"